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How To Use Mac Textedit

To jump to any specific line in TextEdit, have a document open and then hit Command + L to bring up the “Select Line” tool. Then you just need to enter the line number and hit Return to move directly to and select that specified line of text in the active text document. Astroneer for mac. There is one small problem here, which you may have noticed already. Tabs and Indents. The tab and indent markers in TextEdit function as in any word processor. To set a right-aligned tab, single-click in the ruler. To set any other tab, Control-click (or right-click) in the ruler and choose a tab marker (shown below), or double-click a marker to change it.

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How To Use Mac TexteditThis chapter is from the book
Mac OS X Lion: Peachpit Learning Series
How To Use Mac Textedit

This chapter is from the book

This chapter is from the book

Tabs and Indents

The tab and indent markers in TextEdit function as in any word processor.

  • To set a right-aligned tab, single-click in the ruler.
  • To set any other tab, Control-click (or right-click) in the ruler and choose a tab marker (shown below), or double-click a marker to change it.
  • To remove a tab, drag the marker off the ruler.
  • To indent just the first line of text or both the left and right edges, drag the indent markers shown below.

Examples of tab and indent settings

The following are some examples of how to set up your tabs and indents to create certain effects. Remember, after you’ve set a tab, hit the Tab key before you type the text. Once you’ve got tabs set up, you can select the text, then move the tab and the selected text will follow.

The tab applies only to the selected paragraphs—you only need to click inside a paragraph to select the entire paragraph. X plane 10 mac download. To select more than one paragraph, press and drag to highlight a range of text in each paragraph. Mac matte pink. Follow the directions as explained in each window and its caption.

Related Resources

Textedit Macbook

  • Book $55.99
  • eBook (Watermarked) $55.99

Textedit On Mac

  • Web Edition $55.99

How To Use Mac Textedit
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